Strike for Prose

My thoughts on the WGA strike. Without writers, there would be no television, there would be no movies. The world would be a rather boring place without stories to entertain us. Replacing writers with AI is a way of telling people that computers are better at being people than people.

Sure, a computer program can mimic style, but what it lacks is emotion. Writers leave a bit of themselves in everything they write, even when unintentional, and that is something a program cannot replace. If a writer is the backbone and there is nothing without them, pay them what they deserve.

No one thinks about the writers behind the scenes as your favorite actors dance about on the screen. I personally will watch a bad actor for good writing. I enjoy a “slow” film if the writing is good. For instance, the movie “The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford”, is long, and it is slow, but if one will sit and listen, it is a beautifully written story of betrayal. It’s one of the few films I have seen that feels almost like a book in motion, not an easy task.

Though I am not yet a professional writer and a mere amateur, I feel it necessary to say I stand with the writers of the WGA.




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