Why do we do it?

I was reading a book not long ago (shocking, I know) and it made me cry. Not for obvious reasons like a favorite character death, but it was more subtle. Just an emotional moment that overwhelmed me and out came the water works. My mother asked why I read books that make me cry, or why watch something that gets the tears gushing from my eyeballs and it got me thinking why do I read/watch stories that give me an emotional gut punch?

There are many answers as to why we do this to ourselves. For as long as man has been telling stories, they have been seeking an emotional response. Sometimes that emotional release is a good hardy sob that allows us to feel a strong vicarious release of emotional pressure, even if it is just a way of letting go of our own worry and stress through a good cry. The Greeks created great ampitheaters and really pulled out all the stops for achieving catharsis. They loved a good tragedy. Or a good laugh. But in the end, it was all for the same purpose, to achieve catharsis.

Catharsis is the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, especially through certain kinds of art, as tragedy or music.

It’s not always sadness. Sometimes we need the good adrenalin push of terror and fear, or a desire to discover who or what is being hunted. A need to see justice served, the good guy winning over the no holds bar villain, or for the school bully to finally get what she deserves. This is one of the reasons I am not a genre specific reader, because it is not only one cathartic experience I need. It is not always an escape from reality but a way to force out something deep down that is not so willing to come out on its own.

There is nothing wrong with being a person who always wants a happy ending. Reality is full of unhappy endings so one can understand why a person would stick to the happy ones, but do not be afraid to let it all out from time to time. You’ll never know how good that cry will feel afterward. There are certain ones I will always avoid though because it is too many tears, and it is always ok to have your limits, and to know what those limits are.

And as always, Happy Reading!


Screentime turned Pagetime


Guilty as Charged