It’s Never Too Late

So I am nearing my 38th birthday, and my 20-year high school reunion and I am just now on my way to finishing my Bachelor’s degree. I did the thing I was supposed to do, I went to college right out of high school, but to say things did not go well was an understatement. It was a disaster. Personal things happened that led to long-lasting trauma and failing grades. But here I am, in my late thirties and I am KILLING IT! I just finished the first quarter of my Senior year and have managed to pull my overall GPA up from a 1.5 to a 2.9, all while taking care of my four kids and dealing with personal tragedy.

Has it been easy? HELL NO! But I am proud of pushing myself through, even when I got a heavy dose of Imposter Syndrome. Still feelin’ it a bit… It will likely be difficult to get my foot in the door, but I am working toward my dream job and learned that it is never too late to start over and start fresh. At first, I felt awkward. Most of my classmates were twenty years younger than me after all. Plus, I am just awkward by nature. But I found that life experience came very much in handy as I navigated through my courses, especially in minor which is Sociology.

2023 has not been an easy year, and here we are, halfway done and I cannot help but wonder what the next catastrophe will be, but if I have learned anything it is that I will make it out the other end. And you know what, you can too. I have faith in you. You got this. If I can, you most definitely can. Now if only I could learn to be better at spelling…


Strike for Prose


Life Never Goes as Planned