Back at the Keyboard

One of the downsides of having responsibilities is a total lack of time for leisurely activities such as reading the ever-growing TBR stack (I am running out of shelf space). I am trying to find that balance between working, studying to finish my bachelors in English/Writing, taking care of the munchkins, and a little alone time to do the things I enjoy. It is important to do things you enjoy, otherwise, it becomes easy to lose yourself.

A little over a year ago, I got out of a long-term relationship that was typically out of hot water. In trying my hardest to maintain the home, take care of the children, and everything else, I lost myself. The woman who I dreamt of being was not even in the rearview mirror anymore. But not anymore. It is never too late to start over, take the reigns, and discover who are. The scariest thing was finally following through. Finishing my AA and now going to Eastern Oregon University, stuff is happening, and sometimes I get more afraid of succeeding than of failing. I was afraid of being the oldest in my classes, of sticking out because I am a single mother of four kids, but turns out, I am nowhere near alone. Most of my classmates are in my boat. My advice, go for that dream, take the leap, and be fearless, even when it scares the shhit out of you.


Life Never Goes as Planned


Screentime turned Pagetime